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Recording Artist, Street Preacher & Entrepreneur born & raised in Gadsden, Alabama presented by TymeTaEat Records in which I am the CO CEO of the Record Label. Being that I was raised by both parents throughout my life and blessed to have grand parents & great great parents as moderators; it gave me the ambition to be a hard worker in being a great provider for my 2 kids. Therefore, keeping a mind focused & consistent in developing new music to release for the listening ears & for progressing into the Music Industry. For growing within a family that has many different businesses, I have a mind set in being a successful business person as well to exalt my God given talent of writing my own songs & acquiring the proper beats that will make a finished product of what I represent. So, stay with me on the journey & keep me in your prayers as I move to the next level. And “Thanks” in advance for all your support. #TTE

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